Jenkka is a compact growing plant type with some overhanging leaves. The flower trusses are rather short but still the variety is well pickable. Furthermore the flowers are well protected against night frost.
Jenkka is a compact growing plant type with some overhanging leaves. The flower trusses are rather short but still the variety is well pickable. Furthermore the flowers are well protected against night frost.
Sonata is precisely what a strawberry should be: very tasty and attractive. This mid-season single-cropping variety is characterised by excellent setting and yields of attractive, uniform fruit containing a high percentage of class I strawberries. Sonata strawberries are easy to pick and require little sorting. The variety is suitable for many different cropping systems from Scandinavia to the Alps. Sonata guarantees juicy strawberries with a sweet taste and a distinct strawberry aroma. Typical of Sonata are its conical shape, orange-red colour and attractive crown. The firm fruits retain their attractive shiny appearance even after a few days’ storage.
Opera is a variety from Fresh Forward’s breeding programme of short-day varieties. Opera combines a range of exceptional characteristics such as large fruit, a beautiful shine and a very high picking rate. These characteristics make Opera an excellent alternative to Elsanta in (greenhouse) table-top cultivation.